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Gather Ideas From Our Past Projects

We have worked with a diverse set of clients, across many industries, who have little in common but this: they faced a decisive moment of change, and they made the choice to embrace it.

Check out our portfolio of past projects for inspiration, as your company makes your own choice to conquer your make or break moment.



A Global Leader in Automotive Parts, Accessories and Service: A Company's Journey to Alignment, not Consensus

A Fortune 500 company aims to introduce a new brand purpose for its leading subsidiary, a first in its century-long history. They sought the expertise of Align Collective to create a transformative path that not only impacts the bottom line but also shifts the company's culture. Recognizing that consensus and ignoring human dynamics won't lead to effective adoption, the company embraced the concept of tension fostering creativity and innovation while striving for alignment to avoid analysis paralysis. Determined to ensure widespread adoption, the company rejected rigid approaches and committed to overcoming any obstacles in making the brand purpose truly impactful.


An Emerging Juggernaut in Fitness Equipment and Online Media: Moving From Volatility to a Renewed Purpose

A newly minted fortune 500 company with a cult-like status seeks a brand refresh in 2022. The effort came after a volatile period marked by waning post-pandemic sales, the resignation of their Co-Founder and CEO, and three failed ad campaigns. The impact - a perception of being shallow, out-of-touch, and overpriced, both internally and externally. It was a moment and a mere campaign wouldn’t cut it. They needed a deliberate approach to reinstate a lost sense of community, to drive connection and conversion, and re-imagine leadership and culture from the top down. 


A Large International Logistics Company: Rollout Process in Turbulent Times

In 2019, our team aimed to unify an international logistics company's operations department by aligning a cultural framework and an operational business flow. However, the rollout coincided with the pandemic-induced shifts in the supply chain industry, leading to significant challenges. To implement the "Service Wheel," a branded values framework and problem-solving methodology, a coalition of representatives from different departments was formed to aid in the rollout and mitigate silos.

The strategy involved education, structure, and enrollment, achieved through company-wide meetings, training sessions, materials distribution, and inclusion in performance evaluations. The key lesson learned was that successful implementation required not only discussion but also creating conditions for individuals to willingly adopt the framework.

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